понеділок, 15 лютого 2010 р.

Oh my God…

I will remember this day as one of the most terrifying ones.

My boss let me go earlier from work and I took auto to go home. Usually it takes like 40 minutes so I have enough time to listen to most of my favorite songs on MP3, think about what’s important in my life or even have a nap. Today was the same – I was too deep in my thoughts and didn’t notice what was going on around. And in a second I found myself lying on the highway, staring at motorbikes and cars desperately trying to slow down in not more than 1 meter from me! Seriously the most frightening thing in my life I’ve ever seen was this guy on motorbike with panic in his eyes and tires right next to my head!

As I figured out later my auto driver hit (for some mysterious reason) the auto in front of us. Bump was strong enough to throw me out of the auto. Fortunately I just hit my neck a bit (so it’s a bit painful to turn my head now). After that accident I sat back in the auto and remembered how Kate (intern from Russia) was telling me that she can’t believe how I survived until 23 as I seem to attract troubles. Probably in my previous incarnation I was very bad person so now Hindu gods rewarded me with bad karma…

It was second time in my life when I was so horrified. First was when I was near 15 and we went with my sister and my mom for rafting in Montenegro. At some point the boat turned around and we all fell into the freezing water. I was not really afraid for my life as I was good swimmer and quite confident that I could reach the bank. But my mom could hardly swim. I reached the shore and saw nobody around. Those 15 minutes when I was running on the coast trying to find my family I’ll never forget.

Today’s accident made me remember this story again and I started to think about things that we all know but forget very often: is there something more important than the fact that we and our families are alive? Do we really have any reasons to be unhappy or offended at somebody???

And finally I was kind of proud to realize that I’m really a ‘hard nut to crack’ as my trip ended up with me calming down the auto driver who was clearly more freaked out than meJ

So the point is: life’s wonderful no matter of what happens, so cut the crap and enjoy!

вівторок, 5 січня 2010 р.

Things I love here

When seller in the shop nearby gives me chocolate candies every time I come

Bargain with auto drivers and leave a tip for cycle rickshaw pullers

Small south Indian restaurant on Kalkaji main road with orgasmic Paneer Masala Dosas

Buying H&M dress for 3$.

When children smile and wave at me and I smile and wave back

Smoke on the way home from work in auto after not smoking whole day ‘coz boss in the first day work told that he hates smoking women (((

Watching Bollywood movies in the cinema without subtitles

Monkeys though they usually pee on me

Bullshit to mom about my boss being with him in one room.

When somebody tells me that he knows where my country is.

Dog living nearby who was initially named by us Braveheart then transformed to Hearty and finally ended up like Farty.

When I manage to impress somebody with my few Hindi words.

When I come home after extremely ‘Indian day’, enter my room and hear Verka Serduchka playing from the laptop of Kate (Russian girl).

Free drinks for girls on Wednesdays at Urban Pind especially if they play Bollywood and all Kalkaji people are there.

Friday evenings with my friends

When people in the house sing (Eduardo and Sofiaaaa!!! And now Niels also))

When foreigners see each other on Indian street they smile as they are close friends who haven’t seen each other for long time.

Philosophical talks on facebook chat with Jijo especially when I’m at work ;)

Buying a watermelon, cutting it in 2 pieces and eating it with spoon together with Kate on the balcony

Indifference and apathy of cows walking calmly on the highway or even sleeping there.

Playing cards with Kate, Zandra, Niels and Edwina.

Drinking fresh orange juice at Saroujini Nadar - best medicine if u have hangover

Gosh I'm going to miss this country!